giovedì 3 maggio 2012

Phragmites Australis 1cb 3rd grp

THE PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS according to the ARPA expert...
1. Gets used to adverse conditions.
2. Resists to humidity frust.
3. Has a Ph totally tollerance (total tollerant ph).
4. Has good tolerance for to saltiness.
5. Supports the excess of organic substances.
6. Bordering the lake, is near the Tevere.
7. Represents a range of transition and communication between land and water and the different age zones.
8. Prevents nitrate products from 'Agriculture and pigs from farms to pollute water.
[Siete arrivati vicini al concetto, ma dobbiamo spiegare meglio: 
blocks the nitrates arrival coming from the Agriculture and farms and reduces the arrival of contaminants] 
9. Feeds on (meglio: lives on) these nitrates.
10. Has an empty zone stem.
11.Gold bearing channels carry air from the air to the roots.
12.Tolerates the saturation of water.
13.Passes for from an enviroment whitout air to an enviroment that provides the good bacteria.
14.Limits erosion.
15.Preliminary permits matter processes of nitrification / denitrification.
Here you birds and fish can  find food and shelter

[Teacher point] You cannot touch the phragmites australis because it is in a Park.

Written by Brunori, Gabriele, Tommaso, Federico, Alili, Favaroni, Boco

We must upload videos and photos 

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